JCIC : Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial 2024-02-28T01:54:23+00:00 Opik Rozikin Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">JCIC: Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial (e-ISSN: 2746-5160) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial in collaboration with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Asosiasi Peneliti Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (APISI)</a>. JCIC publishes its articles annually every March and September. The articles published by JCIC: Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial is scientific articles that explain a research result and analytical review in the field of social humanities. We are publishing articles under the focus and scope of sociology, law, politics, education, social development, government, democracy, religion and politics, urban studies, rural studies, gender, media studies, and other related themes.</p> Informal Sector Migrants and Remittances: Questioning the Culture and Socio-Economic Impact 2024-02-15T10:02:09+00:00 Wisnu Adihartono <p><em>This paper discusses the socio-economic impact of informal sector migrants and their remintances. It is known that in 2018 informal sector workers amounted to 58.22 percent. This is of course very worrying. The informal sector is unorganized, unregulated, and mostly legal but unregistered. The motivation of workers who work in the informal sector is to earn enough income for survival. From an economic point of view, the existence of remittances can be said to be important because it is able to improve the family economy and for the progress of the recipient community. In addition to being one of the instruments of economic change, remittances also have a broad impact on social and cultural life for families, recipient communities and their areas of origin. In the context of migration, it is stated that remittances in developing countries are a form of migrant efforts in maintaining the continuity of socio-economic ties with the area of origin, even though they are geographically far apart. This research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive and direct observation which is only carried out in Jakarta by looking directly at how informal sector migrants work.</em></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wisnu Adihartono Kejahatan Siber dan Kebijakan Identitas Kependudukan Digital: Sebuah Studi Tentang Potensi Pencurian Data Online 2024-02-15T10:02:10+00:00 Yedija Otniel Purba Agus Mauluddin <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p> <p><em>The rapid advancement of technology has significantly impacted the global way of life in a positive manner. However, it has also brought about negative consequences, particularly in the form of cybercrime. This article explores cybercrime, focusing specifically on cases of online data theft in Indonesia. Through a mixed research method, it can be identified that Indonesia is facing serious challenges related to cybersecurity, marked by a series of data leaks involving both government and private entities. The research also delves into the potential for online data theft in the policy transition from the National Identity Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk or KTP) to the Digital Population Identity (Identitas Kependudukan Digital or IKD) in Indonesia.</em> <em>By detailing previous data leakage cases, this study indicates that the implementation of IKD in Indonesia needs to be reassessed. The conclusion drawn from the research is that efforts to enhance cybersecurity in Indonesia require concrete and collaborative measures, including the development of consistent regulations, the improvement of human resources in the field of cybersecurity, and better awareness among the public and government regarding the importance of protecting personal data.</em> <em>The study suggests further research to delve into the effectiveness of cybersecurity regulations in Indonesia and to understand the variables that influence public and governmental awareness regarding personal data protection.</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><em>P</em><em>esatnya teknologi</em><em> berdampak positif bagi</em><em> kehidupan dunia </em><em>secara</em><em> signifikan. Namun, bersamaan juga </em><em>dengan </em><em>dampak negatif</em><em>nya</em><em>, terutama dalam bentuk kejahatan siber atau cybercrime. Artikel ini </em><em>mengeksplorasi </em><em>cybercrime, </em><em>khususnya</em><em> pada kasus pencurian data online di Indonesia. Melalui </em>metode penelitian campuran<em>, </em><em>dapat teridentifikasi </em><em>bahwa Indonesia menghadapi tantangan serius terkait keamanan siber</em><em>.</em> <em>D</em><em>itandai dengan serangkaian kasus kebocoran data yang melibatkan entitas pemerintah dan swasta. Penelitian ini juga membahas potensi pencurian data online pada&nbsp; kebijakan penggantian Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) dengan Identitas Kependudukan Digital (IKD) di Indonesia. Dengan merinci kasus kebocoran data sebelumnya, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi IKD di Indonesia </em><em>perlu ditinjau ulang</em><em>.</em> <em>Kesimpulan dari penelitian bahwa upaya meningkatkan keamanan siber di Indonesia memerlukan langkah-langkah konkret</em><em> dan kolaboratif antar-pihak</em><em>, termasuk pengembangan regulasi yang konsisten, peningkatan sumber daya manusia dalam bidang keamanan siber, dan kesadaran publik</em><em> dan pemerintah</em><em> yang lebih baik terhadap pentingnya melindungi data pribadi. Penelitian lanjutan juga diusulkan untuk mendalami efektivitas peraturan keamanan siber di Indonesia dan memahami variabel-variabel yang memengaruhi kesadaran masyarakat</em><em> dan pemerintah </em><em>terhadap perlindungan data pribadi.</em></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yedija Otniel Purba, Agus Mauluddin Problematika Hukum Keluarga Kontemporer: Analisis Hukum Positif (UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan PP No. 9 Tahun 1975) 2024-02-28T01:54:23+00:00 Eva Nur Hopipah Abdullah Syafe'i <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p> <p><em>The contemporary family law issues in Indonesia are numerous, especially as we enter an era where everything unfolds rapidly, impacting the stability of the family as the smallest unit in society. Ten issues analyzed in this research include: (1) marriage via teleconference and divorce over the phone, as reviewed under Law No. 1 of 1974 and Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975; (2) legal consequences of interfaith marriages; (3) joint property (gono gini) post-divorce; (4) mut'ah payments for career women; (5) divorce decisions without marriage certificates; (6) domestic violence; (7) the legality of polygamy; (8) clandestine divorces; (9) post-divorce child custody rights; (10) age restrictions on marriage. All are examined in the context of Law No. 1 of 1974 and Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975. The research aims to comprehensively address family law issues within the framework of positive law (Law No. 1 of 1974 and Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975). The research methodology involves literature review, utilizing primary sources such as Law No. 1 of 1974 and Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975, contemporary family law issues, and other sources serving as secondary references to ensure the research's comprehensiveness.</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><em>Problematika hukum keluarga kontemporer di Indonesia sangatlah banyak, apalagi dewasa ini memasuki era dimana segala hal bergulir dengan cepat yang berpengaruh pula pada stabilitas keluarga sebagai organisasi terkecil di masyarakat. Sepuluh problematika yang dianalisis dalam&nbsp; penelitian ini, di antaranya, (1) perkawinan melalui teleconference dan perceraian melalui telepon ditinjau dari UU no. 1 tahun 1974 dan PP no. 9 tahun 1975; (2) akibat hukum perkawinan beda agama; (3) harta bersama (gono gini) pasca perceraian; (4) pemberian mut’ah wanita karir; (5) putusan perceraian tanpa akta perkawinan; (6) kekerasan rumah tangga; (7) bagiamana hukum poligami; (8) perceraian di bawah tangan; (9)&nbsp; hak asuh anak pasca perceraian; (10) pembatasan usia perkawinan. Semuanya ditinjau dari UU no. 1 tahun 1974 dan PP no. 9 tahun 1975. Hasil dari tujuan penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menyelesaikan problematika hukum keluarga secara komprehensif ditinjau dari hukum positif (UU No. 1 tahun 1974 dan PP no. 9 tahun 1975). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan dengan sumber primernya adalah UU no. 1 tahun 1974 dan PP no. 9 tahun 1975, problematika hukum keluarga kontemporer, dan sumber lain yang membantu penelitian ini agar komprehensif digunakan sebagai sumber sekunder.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-02-28T01:54:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eva Nur Hopipah, Abdullah Syafe'i